What Is SEO?

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing content online to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific search terms. SEO forms an essential part of digital marketing, helping generate “organic” or unpaid traffic which is more relevant than paid advertisements.

One key aspect of SEO is keyword research, which involves identifying which words potential customers are most likely to use and then including those words on web pages, titles, tags, and other components of a website. Another crucial part is link building which involves gathering backlinks from other sites to your own. Popular backlink analysis tools include Ahrefs and Majestic.

Local SEO involves making sure a business appears in search results when people in its local area search for it online. This can be accomplished by creating and optimizing a Google Business Profile, building local citations and making use of social media channels to promote its brand in certain geographic regions.

Integrating high quality links from other sites into SEO is one of the keystones of success. This can be accomplished by promoting content, submitting to directories, and participating in link exchanges; there are also tools such as Moz and BuzzSumo available that can help locate opportunities for link building.

On-page optimization refers to improving a webpage’s technical elements to make it more effective for SEO purposes, including changing URLs, updating title tags, adding keyword-rich alt text for images and so on. On-page optimization also involves studying your competitors’ pages to identify what they may be doing that you don’t.

SEO is an ongoing strategy that requires constant action and patience in order to produce results, so it’s crucial that before hiring an SEO firm. Best SEOs will be able to establish clear communication channels with their clients and set realistic expectations about the amount of work and time that it will require to achieve desired results. They will also provide regular reports on the progress of your campaign and identify any issues that need addressing. It’s also beneficial for businesses to develop an understanding of SEO in general so they can recognize when an SEO recommends potentially risky techniques. SEOs may also use “shadow domains” to redirect users away from competing websites and toward their own, leading to penalties from search engines like Google and being considered spam by most SEO service providers.

Edward Wright

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