Love is an inexplicably powerful emotion that is experienced through relationships between people of various kinds – including friends, family, romantic partners, the universe, God or even oneself – or experienced within oneself. Love may come in flashes ranging from short-lived and irrational to life-altering and satisfying experiences; philosophers and religious writers have debated its meaning for millennia while psychologists have studied its complexities over more modern years.
What Is Love? While love can mean different things to different people, most agree it goes beyond mere physical attraction. Love is an intense emotional bond that makes us want to spend more time with the person we care for and sacrifice ourselves in order to protect their wellbeing. Love is an integral component of human experience and it has been shown to increase health and wellbeing.
Though many theories, studies, and books exist regarding love, there still remains no concrete explanation as to why we fall in love or why those feelings arise. Researchers in various fields from sociology to biology, anthropology, and neuroscience attempt to answer this mystery every day.
Love can often be described as an intense feeling of affection towards another, but there’s much more to it than this. When we’re in love, our thoughts often turn exclusively to that person and can prevent us from focusing on work, family and other tasks; additionally it makes communication between partners difficult, which may increase stress levels.
Love can cause our brains to release chemicals that leave us feeling dizzy and high, as love stimulates the release of dopamine – a natural reward substance akin to cocaine’s highs. Researchers have noted increased activity levels within an individual’s “reptile core,” an area responsible for focus, motivation and craving.
Love can make us more forgiving of someone’s flaws; this can be especially true in intimate relationships or parenting roles.
However, when we’re not in healthy relationships or grieve the death of a loved one, these emotions can quickly turn bitter. In such instances, it is crucial that we acknowledge both its negative impact on us as individuals as well as its positives so we can move on with our lives and move onward. Additionally, it should be remembered that all forms of love don’t compare equally – we shouldn’t compare ourselves against others when considering our individual experiences of it.